You find them everywhere
In the countryside and in the cities
In the developed and developing worlds
Always on sight in corridors,
On pavements and in the streets,
That is all about their world
No other place to go to

You know them by their looks
Epitomes of misery, rejection and dejection
You know them by their abode
On the streets, the market places,
Railway stations and airports
In sunlight and in darkness;
In rain and in the winter cold

You know them by their movement
Not enough energy to carry them on
For clothing and food, they sit cap in hand
Waiting for the 'Samaritan'
To drop in 'some change' if they care
Or scavenge the garbage can
For crumps from the 'rich man's table'

They are the hungry and homeless
The helpless and the hopeless
The wretched of the earth

They need our love and affection
To turn hopelessness into hopefulness
Lend an ear! Give them a word of hope
To help them out of rejection
They surely deserve better
In this world of abundance

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