I can say what you are
Just by looking at you.
Your look is a letter of yourself
I may be wrong, I may be right
But what people take you to be,
Derives from the outward perception of you

So how do you expect me to read you?
The way you project yourself,
Or what you think you really are?

I can say who you are
Just by the words of your mouth.
Your words and tone say much about you
I may be wrong, I may be right
Since what you say and how you say it,
Often reflects your inner self perfectly

I want to make a correct reading of you
So do project a true image of yourself.
What is on the outside should be a reflection of the inside;
Your words and tone should always be yours;
That way I will read you rightly and not wrongly
Since it is a true reflection of the inner you.

Let what I see, be what I get,
The real and true letter of your look!

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