I can still remember those days,
When life was at its peak, so to say,
I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.
Marriage was never on my list of priorities,
And the thought of children very far-fetched.
A bunch of destructive ‘brats’ I thought of them
Please forgive me for I knew not
That they are really little angels;
The warmth and joy they bring are matchless.

I dare not say the same of them today
For it is real fun to have them around.
They’d cry when scolded, but are quick to reconcile;
To forgive and forget are their virtues
We have to change and be like them,
If we want true peace in this turbulent world of ours.
Please listen to me for I know now,
That they are really little angels;
The warmth and joy they bring are matchless.

They have a strong spirit of belonging and sharing,
And are always very sad to part with loved ones.
They will cry and yell, but patiently wait for their return,
And are quick to the door with a genuine hug of welcome.
To ease off the tensions of another difficult and challenging day
You need to have them to know and feel their unbridled love.
Please believe me, I bet you
For they are really little angels;
The warmth and joy they bring are matchless.

They teach you forgiveness and true love
They help to discipline and mould you,
Into a more responsible and selfless person.
You grow up to have a more meaningful vision of life.
The cry from their tiny voice is like a dagger in your heart;
Oh how they are pretty and you want to keep them happy!
They deserve it, I assure you
For they are really little angels;

And the warmth and joy they bring are matchless.

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