The night was long and distressing,
And the loneliness of my home scaring.
I longed for someone to talk to,
My only friend, the cat was snoring
And neither knew nor cared about what was happening
Enjoying her paradise in my hell

The streak of the morning light brought hope,
I heaved a sigh of relief, at the birth of a new day.
The chores were done; I was ready to go
And leave behind the horrors of the night.
To allay my fright I needed someone,
Someone who’d care and listen to my nightmare.

I stroked and kissed the cat goodbye
I hurried to the door, slipped my key in the keyhole
And locked the loneliness of my home behind.
I was just on time to hop on the bus.
I made my way to the back in search of a seat,
And there, a gentleman looked at me with a grin on his face

He created space and I sat by him.
Before I had time to say ‘good morning’
He commented on the beautiful weather outside.
I anxiously answered back saying it was a lovely day,
Little did I know the conversation would end there.
He buried his face in a paper and his voice I heard no more

On the train and everywhere, the mood was the same
We squeezed and pushed for space to sit or stand
Everyone was in a hurry and no one cared to talk
Here I was, anxious to share my story with someone
Though there were many people, I felt lonely again
It is an inhuman world fraught with selfishness and pride!

But it all begins with my own selfishness,
How come I choose to live only with my cat
When there are thousands out there longing for an abode?
It may be true that for fear of the unknown, there’s no more trust
But for how long and to what extent will man fear man
And become each a tiny island in an ocean of human beings?

Let’s be human and show warmth towards one another
It’s the best way of dispelling the fear and suspicion of each other
And by so doing make this world a better place to live in!

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