Pilgrims in this world we all are
Life is very short and death is very sure
To ev’ry one of us it’s sooner or later
Got to enjoy life while it lasts
No time for chimera and hate
For when life’s done they matter not
Let’s give out love and not hate

You may be smart and I’m dull
You may be tall and I’m short
You may be big and I’m small
You may be rich and I’m poor

But one thing makes us one
We’re from the same creator
And everything from Him is good
So we should give love and not hate

Out in the streets there’s anguish
Out in the streets there’s misery
Out in the streets there’s sorrow
Yet people show more hate than love

Please don’t lose sight of this fact
We’re from the same creator
And everything from Him is good
So we should give love and not hate

You may have the largest mansion
Yet only on one bed can you lie
You may have the biggest car around
But on one seat can you sit at a time

And one thing you cannot deny is
We’re from the same creator
And everything from Him is good
So we should give love and not hate

In quest for power and authority
Children are given guns for toys
To fight and kill and maim
In baseless insurrections here and there

But one thing to remember is
We’re from the same creator
And everything from Him is good
So we should give love and not hate

Misery if growing in alarming proportions
Children are dying in huge numbers
From AIDS, drugs, wars, hunger and crime
This cannot be what they truly deserve

For one thing makes us one
We’re from the same creator
And everything from Him is good
So we should give love and not hate
They need love, care and protection
Affection and better education
Not rejection and condemnation
They're the cream of the new millennium
And one thing makes us one
We're from the same Creator
And everything from Him is good
So we should give love and not hate

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