Home Away from Home

A Cameroonian musician once stated in one of his songs that ‘home is home’, a three word phrase that summarises what nostalgia is all about – missing home and loved ones. In a bid to soften the low down feeling of missing home and family in spite of whatever material comfort one may have abroad, ‘Diasporans’ create and rally around organisations or associations that bring together people from the same ethnic or cultural backgrounds. For the most part, the modus operandi of such associations is to focus on the need for mutual assistance, support to community back home and the celebration of their cultural and traditional values. One such organisations in the United Kingdom, is the Cameroon North-West Cultural Association (CNWCA). Since its inception and launch in May 2001, its aims and objectives have included, among others, the commitment to offer its members a forum for expression, education and mutual support in matters relating to their culture, as well as to help and support its members in times of need, difficulties, sorrow and happiness. On October 12, 2008, in the hall of The Victoria Public House on Queenbridge Road in East London, the association held a very colourful and successful cultural celebration dedicated to its deceased members as well as members’ relations who had departed this world. Speaking at the opening of the occasion, the President of the CNWCA, Tah Ndifornyen welcomed all the guests, the leaders and members of cultural groups from the North-West province and the members of the association. He pointed out that dedicating the cultural celebration to the memories of deceased members and relatives of members, who had passed on, did not in any measure mean that it was a day for mourning. He said it was a celebration of their lives especially considering the selfless efforts they put into creating and sustaining the life of the association. Speaking at the occasion, one of the founding fathers of the CNWCA, Pa Ferdinand Fru said the enthusiasm, commitment and dedication of the deceased members to the cause of the association epitomised the unbridled love they had for the community and called on all the members to emulate their example. The highlights of the celebration were performances of traditional dances by the Bali, Baforchu, Metah and Mendankwe cultural groups as well as individual and collective dancing skills of the members of the CNWCA to the very rhythmic music of a very popular artist of the North-West region, John Menang. Steve Nfor

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